Passion and pain.

Passion and pain.

The most misunderstood thing about pain is that we think it can weaken our passion for God. The truth is, pain CAN cause us a great deal of discomfort, but it cannot take away our passion. In Acts 5:40-42, after the apostles did so many signs and wonders, they were arrested and flogged. And YET, they left REJOICING and CONTINUED to spread the gospel EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Jesus on the Cross is another example that when pain is 100%, passion can be 100% too. In fact, His passion was so much more greater than His pain, that He was able to STAY on the Cross until its purpose was fulfilled.

Today, you may be in deep pain, your path may be difficult; but keep walking, because along the way, God will meet you and make all things new.

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