- Mishael D'cruz-Paul
- January 1, 2023
- 2:07 pm
Standing for God in a scary time
“It is BEYOND my power to do this,” Joseph replied. “But GOD can tell you what it means…”
Genesis 41:16
In this passage of scripture, we see that Joseph was brought before Pharaoh to interpret his dream. And this was his dilemma: on one side, if he interpreted the dream and took credit for it, then Pharaoh would give him a great life, full of riches and restoration. But on the other side, if he did not interpret the dream and if he offended Pharaoh in any way, then Pharaoh in his anger could do whatever he pleased [eg-the execution of the baker]. And yet, standing in this vulnerable spot, right between an opportunity for fullness of life and the possibility of a horrible death, he still chose to admit his frailty and acknowledge God’s divinity. He denied himself and he exalted God.
Today, whether you’re standing between the promise of a miracle or the probability of further trouble, stand only for God’s glory.